Client Chartered Insurance Institute Sector Corporate Share LinkedIn Twitter Email
We helped create

Brand Audit
Brand Architecture
Brand Identity
Identity System

Rebuilding Public Trust.

The CII conducted a strategic review and identified key challenges facing the organisation, namely rebuilding public trust in the insurance sector, as well as raising professional standards.

We identified a number of strategic focus areas where the CII could improve the image of its brand – these included its visual identity, as well as the hierarchy, architecture and naming systems used across the organisation. This core development work would help to unify and strengthen the CII’s full portfolio; a necessary step to re-engage industry professionals.

A new visual identity was developed using elements from the CII’s coat of arms to build on the organisation’s symbolism and rich history. In contrast to the complexities of the original, a simplified line style portrayed a more sophisticated, contemporary organisation.

An important consideration was that the system needed to be scalable to work across the variety of sub brands, faculties and societies, bringing them all together under one umbrella that would reflect a shared purpose, and provide a platform for future expansion.

I am immensely proud of our heritage and by giving it a contemporary twist, we remain true to our origins whilst becoming more relevant for a new generation of consumers. Aligning our societies, faculties and local institutes to reflect our shared purpose.

You really challenged us to address the core strategic objectives through a logical and rational approach. This meant that we could clearly demonstrate the value of the new identity, buying in all of our stakeholders and avoiding subjective debate.

London, UK